How ECG Monitor Help Prevent Heart diseases?

How ECG Monitor Help Prevent Heart diseases?

Heart disease is a leading cause of death worldwide and can also result in long-term disabilities and reduced quality of life for those affected. Many survivors require ongoing medical care and support to manage their condition, which can be expensive and time-consuming. However, efforts are being made to improve heart diseases prevention, care, and management around the world, including public education campaigns, expanded access to healthcare, and the development of new treatments and technologies.

Dr Frederico de Morais Ribeiro, a cardiologist from Brazil, has done a heart health monitor case study on Wellue ECG Monitor to research how it helps people detect irregular heart rhythms, or arrhythmias. By tracking their heart rhythm data over time, individuals may be able to spot patterns or changes that could indicate developing heart problems. Catching these changes early can mean being able to intervene and prevent the worsening of heart disease or other heart-related problems.

A 75-year-old patient with Arterial Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, Diabetes type 2 and recent episode of Transient Ischemic Accident, seeks the cardiologist for diagnostic investigation.

The patient had already undergone ECG, ECodopplercardiogram and Holter 24h all without abnormalities.

We then chose to do a longer Electrocardiographic Monitoring, using the Heart Health Monitor – ECG Recorder Wellue, which has a battery for 72h of monitoring. We used it attached to the thoracic with a strap, as it could be taken out for the bath, making the examination more comfortable.

At the end of 72 hours, we connect the device to the Computer and download all the data to the AI program – ECG Analiysis System, which through Artificial Intelligence quickly suggests a Report and makes available all the traces for conference and if this monitoring has been done by the patient, this data can be shared with your doctor very easily.

Below is the Report model generated by the AI-ECG Analysis System program.

It is a very complete and structured report, easy to understand and that can be shared very easily.

It presents data such as the time monitored, remembering that with each removal of the ECG recorder from the body, the device automatically turns off and reactivates automatically after being reattached to the body, maximum and minimum heart rate, main cardiac arrhythmias found, as well as the number of documented times and time they appeared. It generates a report with the diagnosis found and at the end has the ECG tracing showing the arrhythmias caught.

The program also has the visualization tool of the entire electrocardiographic tracing so that the doctor can check and confirm the findings exposed by the Artificial Intelligence.

Case Discussion:

In this case in question, the electrocardiographic monitoring of this patient by the ECG Recorder was very important, because an arrhythmia called Atrial Flutter was detected, in this case, in its paroxysmal form. It is known that this Arrhythmia has great thromboembolic potential, that is, to form clots inside the heart and these detach and go to the brain, causing Strokes.

With such diagnoses we make the risk stratification of this arrhythmia by means of Risk Scores (CHADSVASC2) and from these data we elaborate the treatment in order to reduce the risk of new Cerebral Vascular Accidents, a disease with a lot of morbidity and mortality.

ECG (electrocardiogram) monitoring is important for the prevention of stroke because many cases of stroke are caused by heart rhythm disturbances, such as Atrial fibrillation/Atrial Flutter.

Atrial fibrillation/Atrial Flutter is a condition in which the atria of the heart do not beat properly, which can lead to the formation of blood clots that can move to the brain and cause a stroke.

ECG monitoring can detect Atrial fibrillation/Atrial Flutter, enabling early treatment and prevention of stroke. In addition, continuous ECG monitoring can help identify other heart rhythm disorders that may also contribute to stroke risk.

It’s important to remember that stroke prevention involves many factors, including healthy lifestyle habits, controlling blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar, as well as treating underlying medical conditions. ECG monitoring is just one of the tools available to help prevent stroke and should be used in conjunction with other preventive measures.

Dr Frederico de Morais Ribeiro

A cardiologist from Brazil

  • Graduated in Medicine at UFG (Federal University of Goiás)
  • Residency in Internal Medicine from UNICAMP (State University of Campinas)
  • Residency in Cardiology at the Heart Institute of the Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo – InCor- HCFMUSP
  • Specialist in Cardiology at the Brazilian Society of Cardiology – SBC/AMB
Four Tips for Relieving Stress to Protect Your Heart

Four Tips for Relieving Stress to Protect Your Heart


Stress is an underrated major factor in our overall health and wellbeing. It can lead to a wide range of issues including heart disease and migraines. Stress is one of the body’s chemical responses to a psychological or physical trigger that it perceives as a threat or great difficulty.

There are two main categories of stress; namely acute and chronic stress. The former is a response to a stressful occurrence that may result in elevated stress hormones like cortisol in response to a singular event. These effects can persist for a couple days to a month.

Chronic stress, on the other hand, causes almost constantly elevated cortisol and adrenaline levels. These hormones cause feelings of being overly vigilant, difficulty relaxing, and can sometimes even lead to the development of anxiety disorders. Chronic stress occurs in response to long term triggers, like a loved one who is chronically ill or frequently hospitalized due to a medical condition. Over time, this type of chronic stress can have many negative physical and psychological effects.

Though stress can take a toll on your heart, there are many ways you can keep stress levels in check and avoid excessive strain on your internal functions. In this post, we provide a few tips for relieving stress and simultaneously protecting your heart.

#1 Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a highly popular stress-relief tool across several cultures. When a person is stressed, the body releases cortisol, which can lead to a plethora of health problems including heart disease and muscle pain. Massage therapy helps to reduce cortisol levels by stimulating the lymphatic system and promoting relaxation. It also has other benefits, such as improving circulation, relieving pain, and increasing range of motion. Among the many different types of massage, but the most popular are the following:

  • Swedish massage focuses on promoting circulation and relaxation
  • Deep tissue massage aims to break up adhesions that limit blood flow and mobility
  • Aromatherapy massage utilizes the versatility of essential oils to create a customized aromatic experience If you have heart disease, be sure to tell your massage therapist so they can tailor the treatment to your needs.
  • Sports massage incorporates various techniques to help athletes quickly recover mobility and promote healing
  • Hot stone massage relies on heat to open up muscle fibers, causing muscles to gradually relax

Each type of massage has its own unique benefits, which is why different people and body types are more suited to some types of massage than others. Consulting with a physician is a good place to start if you personally find the range of options overwhelming.

Blood Pressure Management & Physiotherapy to Alleviate Muscle and Nerve Pain with Our BP Device:

blood pressure monitor with TENS massage-2

Innovative BP Device with TENS Massage

For the massage therapy, we recommend a smart bp device with massage function. It can be used to measure blood pressure anytime and anywhere, and also be used for relax.

With external cables and electronic pads, this smart blood pressure monitor provides muscle stimulation to relieve muscle tension in the body. Electrical waves are used to target the site of aches and pains. It provides a deep rhythmic massage for relieving the aching, tense and knotted muscles from the neck to the feet.

blood pressure monitor with massage

#2 A Sound Supplementation Regimen

There are many supplements that can reduce stress and prevent heart damage. Below, we go over a few of the most common supplements and how they work.

Certain nootropics may lessen stress while protecting the heart. Rhodiola rosea is an herb that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat fatigue, anxiety, and depression; it’s also commonly found in stress-relieving nootropic stacks. Ashwagandha was also found to have moderate stress reducing effects by a 2019 study published in Medicine (Baltimore), while a 2015 study in Ayu found it “enhanced cardiorespiratory endurance” in healthy adults.

Phosphatidylserine is a phospholipid that is found in the brain and nervous system. It has been shown to help improve cognitive function and reduce stress levels. According to a University of Wales Swansea study, regular supplementation was found to result in lower stress levels and improved mood.

Omega-3 fatty acids are often taken in the form of fish oil, and are essential fatty acids that are important for cognitive function and reducing inflammation. A randomized control trial done by Pennsylvania State University found that Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce stress levels and protect the heart by promoting healthy blood flow. They can be found in fish oil supplements or in foods like salmon, herring, and walnuts.

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that support gut health. A 2021 article in ScienceDirect showed them to help reduce stress levels by modulating intestinal microbiota. Probiotics can be found in supplements or in fermented foods like yogurt and kombucha.

#3 Meditation

Meditation has been shown to be an effective way to reduce levels of tension and stress for centuries. A recent study showed that people who meditated for just 27 minutes a day had lower stress levels and less anxiety than those who didn’t. Some practitioners have found that meditation can actually protect the heart from the damaging effects of stress because of its reliable moderating effect.

There are many different types of meditation, but it’s most practical to consider more popular variations that can be easily incorporated into any daily routine. These include:

  • Mantra meditation involves silently repeating a thought word, phrase or word to help prevent distracting thoughts while focusing on clearing the mind.
  • Mindfulness meditation is based on being mindful of one’s existence, or focusing on increasing awareness and acceptance of living in and experiencing the present moment. Focusing on the flow of one’s breath can help with the observation of repressed thoughts and emotions. The key is to let these pass without any judgment.
  • Tai chi is a gentle Chinese martial art where one performs a series of slow, graceful movements while consciously breathing deeply to stay centered.
  • Yoga takes many forms, each with a number of popular flows (series of postures and controlled breathing exercises) that promote a calm mind and strong, flexible body. Moving through the poses requires balance and concentration, which naturally result in focusing on the moment rather than the hassles of the day.

#4 Exercise

Finally, regular exercise is another great way to relieve stress and protect the heart. Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting and pain-relieving effects. They also encourage circulation and release of excess fluids through sweating. This is a fun and natural way to reduce personal risk factors for anxiety and depression.

For those not accustomed to exercising, it’s best to start slowly and build up intensity gradually. Walking is a great way to start, and swimming is a good low-impact alternative. Meanwhile, nature lovers might prefer activities such as biking and hiking. Consulting with one’s physician is always recommended before beginning a new exercise routine.

It’s important to remember that stress can have negative effects on our physical health — not just our mental or emotional wellbeing — as well as increase the risk of heart disease. Luckily, there are many things we can do to reduce the amount of stress in our lives and protect our hearts in the process.


Lopresti AL, Smith SJ, Malvi H, Kodgule R. An investigation into the stress-relieving and pharmacological actions of an ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) extract: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Sep;98(37):e17186. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000017186. PMID: 31517876; PMCID: PMC6750292.

Choudhary B, Shetty A, Langade DG. Efficacy of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera [L.] Dunal) in improving cardiorespiratory endurance in healthy athletic adults. Ayu. 2015 Jan-Mar;36(1):63-8. doi: 10.4103/0974-8520.169002. PMID: 26730141; PMCID: PMC4687242.

Benton D, Donohoe RT, Sillance B, Nabb S. The influence of phosphatidylserine supplementation on mood and heart rate when faced with an acute stressor. Nutr Neurosci. 2001;4(3):169-178. doi:10.1080/1028415x.2001.11747360

Sauder KA, Skulas-Ray AC, Campbell TS, Johnson JA, Kris-Etherton PM, West SG. Effects of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on heart rate variability at rest and during acute stress in adults with moderate hypertriglyceridemia. Psychosom Med. 2013;75(4):382-389. doi:10.1097/PSY.0b013e318290a107

What Triggers Excessive Blood Clotting in the Heart and Brain?

What Triggers Excessive Blood Clotting in the Heart and Brain?

Your body creates blood clots, which is a thicker mass of blood tissue, to help stop the bleeding when you acquire a cut or a wound. These clots consist of blood proteins called fibrin and platelets.

Blood clotting, also known as coagulation, decreases blood loss, which benefits the body after an injury.

Generally, the body disintegrates and eliminates the clots once the bleeding has ceased and healing has taken place.

However, occasionally, blood clots develop too quickly or fail to disintegrate completely, causing the clots to move through the body and restricting or blocking blood flow.

Hypercoagulation, commonly known as excessive blood clotting, is severely dangerous. This condition can cause clots to develop in or move to the arteries and veins of the heart, brain, lungs, kidneys, and extremities, which can cause heart attacks, organ damage, strokes, and even death.

Various medications, diseases, and genetic alterations may induce hypercoagulation. Experts divide these factors into two groups: acquired and hereditary.

  • Acquired: This excessive blood clotting has resulted from other disorders or conditions.

The following list includes some triggers of acquired hypercoagulation:

  • Use of hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills
    • Extended bed rest, or plane or car trips
    • Cancer
    • Pregnancy
    • Smoking

Another condition that may adversely affect blood clotting is obesity. For example, a 2015 study showed that obese individuals with trauma are more prone to hypercoagulation compared to their normal-weight counterparts.

Consequently, overcoming obesity may help reduce the risk of excessive blood clotting. Weight-loss procedures such as bariatric surgery may help address this problem.

  • Genetic: This hereditary type of excessive blood clotting is less frequent and is typically due to genetic defects. These abnormalities generally occur in the proteins required for blood clotting.

Moreover, genetic issues can also affect the compounds that dissolve or delay blood clots.

Factors That May Trigger Hypercoagulation

Many conditions and diseases may lead to excessive blood clotting. Some illnesses can increase the likelihood of clot formation in particular parts of the body.

The following list includes possible triggers of hypercoagulation in the heart and brain:

  • Vasculitis: This condition can cause inflammation in the body’s blood vessels. Platelets can form clots by sticking to damaged blood vessels.
  • Atherosclerosis: This ailment occurs when a waxy material known as plaque accumulates inside your arteries. The plaque may rupture over time.  

Platelets also congregate to form clots at the site of the injury.

  • Heart failure: A heart failure occurs when there is damage or weakening of the heart. When the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs, blood flow slows, leading to the formation of clots.
  • Diabetes: This ailment increases the likelihood of plaque buildup in the arteries, leading to dangerous blood clots.

Moreover, approximately 80% of people with diabetes have the potential of dying from clot-related causes.

  • Atrial fibrillation: This condition is the most common type of arrhythmia, also known as irregular heartbeat. Atrial fibrillation can cause the blood to pool in the heart’s upper chambers, which can form clots.
  • Metabolic syndrome: This syndrome refers to a set of risk factors that increase your chances of developing heart disease and other health problems, including a greater risk of blood clot formation.

Related Products

Wellue blood pressure monitor

Wellue Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor with EKG.

A smart portable health monitor that lets you measure blood pressure (systolic pressure & diastolic pressure) & take an EKG anytime, anywhere.

Small in size, light in weight, easy to use & carry around.

Built-in memory for 60 sets of readings.

Real-time data are able to be effectively sent to apps installed on mobile devices via Bluetooth where history stats can also be stored & reviewed.

Wellue Heart Health Monitor

Wellue 24-hour Heart Health Monitor

24-Hour Holter Monitoring

AI-ECG Analysis

Built-in memory for 60 sets of readings.

Real-Time ECG/EKG Tracking via APP

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Smart Body Fat Scale

High precision sensors to measure your weight & advanced BIA technology to estimate your body composition.

Readings on VA screen are displayed in multiple measurement units which can easily be switched between lb & kg.

As many as 15 essential body measurements are provided to help you keep track of your health improvement.

Other Factors

Below are additional factors that result in excessive blood clotting:

  • Smoking: This habit increases the risk of blood clots and makes platelets more likely to stick together. Smoking also causes damage to blood vessels’ linings, which can result in clot formation.
  • Pregnancy: Due to increased platelets and clotting factors, pregnant women are more likely to develop blood clots. The uterus can also compress the veins, slowing blood flow and increasing the risk of blood clots.
  • Use of birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy: These medications can slow blood flow and cause clot formation.
  • Cancer: Several types of cancer increase the proteins that clot the blood.
  • Dehydration: This situation occurs when your body does not have enough fluids. Lack of fluids can cause blood vessels to narrow and blood to thicken, increasing the likelihood of blood clots.

If you have experienced any of the conditions above you may have a higher risk of developing hypercoagulation.

Tracking your health, especially in areas related to your blood measurements such as your blood oxygen level, may help prevent complications, which can lead to hypercoagulation.

When to Consult a Doctor

Seek immediate medical attention if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Difficult or painful breathing
  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Cough that shows bloody sputum
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Lightheadedness
  • Sudden vision changes
  • Pain extending to your arm, back, shoulder, or jaw
  • Sudden numbness or weakness of your arm, face, or leg

Furthermore, it is important to consult a physician if you develop the following symptoms or signs on your arm or leg:

  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Pain
Fitness and Wellness Tech Innovations to Improve Your Well-being 

Fitness and Wellness Tech Innovations to Improve Your Well-being 

fitness and wellness tech products to improve your life

Tech Products that Could Seriously Upgrade Your Life 

Healthcare technology is no longer confined to sickly clinics. There are all sorts of health and wellness tech products like sleep trackers, heart rate monitors, and more. You are probably making all sorts of resolutions about quickly improving your health, diet, weight, stress level, and overall well-being. Wellue store has 2 particular products, a smart blood pressure monitor with EKG and a smart body fat scale, that can work together to help you manage your health at home and on the go. 


See Our Smart Body Fat Scale and Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor with EKG

Smart Body Fat Scale — Always Know Where Your Health Stands

Wellue makes a few different at-home health devices, like a smart blood pressure cuff and ECG monitor. But the one you’ll likely want for your bathroom is the smart body fat scale that measures weight and full-body composition stats like percent body fat and muscle mass. It’s also got cool features like the ability to recognize individual family members and a baby mode that can track your baby’s growth.

This smart scale can show you more than the 3 numbers that define your weight. It measures 15 body compositions: Weight, BMI (body mass index), Fat-free Body Weight, Body Fat, Body Water, Protein, Visceral Fat, Subcutaneous Fat, Bone Mass, Heart Index, Skeletal Muscle, Bone Mass, Heart Rate, Body Age, and BMR (basal metabolic rate). It offers insight into cardiovascular health. Those data are typically synced to an app on your smartphone via Bluetooth.

The APP “Fitdays” provides detailed trend charts of 15 measurements to track the changes in your body composition over days, weeks, months, or even years. Clear data graphs give you a clear view of your body change and enable you to reach your goal in a healthy way; think of it as a personal coach within your smartphone.

Wireless BP Cuff + EKG — Keep Blood Pressure and EKG in One

Another key indicator of one’s health is blood pressure. Wellue’s Smart Blood Pressure Monitor allows you to measure your blood pressure and track EKG quickly and wirelessly. Wrap one around your arm, press the button, and then the systolic and diastolic pressures and heart rate data will be displayed on the OLED screen. By holding the gadget with your hands on its both sides, you can have the EKG results within 30 seconds.

With an App that records readings over time, it’s an amazingly convenient tool for people who need to keep a close eye on their blood pressure and EKG. You can keep a history of recordings to show your doctor, or monitor any unusual rises or falls.

The AI analysis of the EKG waveforms is one of this monitor’s amazing features. While no substitute for a doctor, it is handy to get an interpretation of your EKG. 

Who Will Benefit Most?

Naturally, anyone can benefit from devices that help improve and monitor health and wellness. But for some, it will be particularly important.

  1. Someone trying to lose weight
  2. Someone trying to live healthier
  3. The elderly or those with blood pressure or heart issues
  4. Athletes and fitness fanatics 

No matter your particular health goals, age, or fitness level, smart scales and blood pressure monitors can work together to help create a clearer picture of your health and wellness.

Some Basic Facts about EKG that You Have to Know

Some Basic Facts about EKG that You Have to Know

about ecg waveform

I believe that you must have heard or had an EKG done. Whether in a hospital or cardiology clinic, the electrocardiogram is a routine examination.

Though familiar with the term EKG, most people know little about it. One of my friends even told me, “when doing an EKG test, I worry about getting an electrical shock! Every time when I am going to do a 12-lead EKG, I feel nervous.” Actually, EKG is a safe, non-invasive, painless test and has no major risks.

As EKG is the most common physical examination, there are some basic facts that you have to know, so that you will not be nervous when doing the EKG test, or feel confused after reading the EKG results.

What does an EKG monitor do to your heart?

An EKG is used to record the heart’s own electrical activity instead of discharging to the heart.

The beating of the heart is directed by its own electrical signals. The electrocardiogram machine can record these signals and show them through curves.

If there is a problem with the heart, the electrical signal of the heart will be abnormal, and the EKG curve will be different. Through the EKG graph, doctors can see if there is a problem with the patient’s heart.

EKG tests do not cause damage to the heart. It’s just a recording device, so you don’t have to be nervous when you’re doing an EKG.

Is it necessary to make EKG a part of a routine physical exam?

Commonly, many institutions take EKG as a routine physical exam. EKG tests are always used to screen for heart disease.

These people must do the electrocardiogram test:

  • Persons over 60 years of age;
  • People with risk factors of cardiovascular disease such as hypertension, diabetes and hyperlipidemia;
  • Regular smokers.

The risk of heart disease in these groups of people is much higher than in others. So it is necessary to carry out EKG examinations regularly.

EKG Results

The electrical signal of the heart is very complicated. It is difficult for people who are not cardiologists to thoroughly understand the EKG. So it is best to consult a cardiologist to interpret the EKG if you are in doubt about the EKG results.

In general, words in EKG reports like “sinus rhythm” and “sinus arrhythmia” mean a relatively normal situation.

There are abnormal EKG examples like “conduction block” “myocardial infarction” “tachycardia” and “bradycardia”. If you experience those EKG events, you need to go to seek emergency medical attention.

What does the word “sinus rhythm” of an EKG report mean?

Some electrocardiogram reports have a lot of confusing technical terms.

For example, in many reports, the first sentence is “sinus rhythm”. Many people don’t know what it means.

As a matter of fact, “sinus rhythm” is the signal of heartbeat. “Sinus” refers to an anatomical structure of the heart called the sinoatrial node.

The heart must start beating from the sinoatrial node, or it is an abnormality or disease.

Some friends have this kind of experience: the heart is uncomfortable, but the EKG result is normal. Why is that?

The electrocardiogram is a tool to analyze the electrical activity of the heart, but it only reflects one aspect of the heart. There is a metaphor circulating among doctors that vividly explains the function of various cardiac tests as here:

If you think of the heart as a house:

  • The echocardiogram is used to see how many rooms the house has, and if the wall of the house is good;
  • The electrocardiogram is used to see whether the circuit is normal;
  • The coronary angiogram is used to see if the pipes in the house are blocked or leaking.

We can see that only when the abnormal electrical activities of the heart occur, the electrocardiogram will be abnormal.

Several reasons why your heart feels uncomfortable but your ECG is fine

There may be several reasons why your heart feels uncomfortable but your ECG is fine:

  1. The monitoring time is not enough

People may be only hooked up to the machine for a very brief amount of time, so heart rhythm irregularities are not shown in the EKG waveform. Thus the doctor will suggest the patient to continuously monitor their hearts for over 24 hours.

2. It’s not a heart problem

“Heart is not comfortable” is a very subjective feeling. Having this feeling does not necessarily mean heart problems. It may be temporary emotional distress or stomach disease. The stomach and heart are close together, so it’s easy to get confused. Sometimes the doctor will also ask patients with stomachache to do an electrocardiogram.

3. It’s too mild

When the heart abnormality is so mild that it is not recognized by an EKG, other tests may be needed.

4. It’s too severe

Sometimes heart disease is so serious that the electrocardiogram judgment is “false negatives” (where the test fails to identify a real problem), which is related to the principle of the electrocardiogram. Doctors will make a comprehensive judgment based on the patient’s physical condition, and the results of the ultrasound, chest X-ray and other heart examinations.