Sleep Apnea Treatments Reduce Stroke Risk

Sleep Apnea Treatments Reduce Stroke Risk

Sleep apnea is a condition marked by abnormal breathing during sleep. People with sleep apnea have multiple extended pauses in breath when they sleep.  There are three types1 of sleep apnea, including obstructive sleep apnea(OSA), central sleep apnea(CSA), mixed sleep apnea. OSA is much more common than CSA. Obstructive sleep apnea is estimated to affect between 2-9% of adults(1) in the United States.

Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with multiple major stroke risk factors such as high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation, diabetes. It is also an independent risk factor for stroke. Luckily, treatments for obstructive sleep apnea are available. Treating sleep apnea earlier can lead to greatly reduced risks of stroke as well as improvements in the quality of life and overall health and well-being.

Prevent High Blood Pressure

Several studies have established OSA as a strong risk factor for high blood pressure(hypertension), one of the leading risk factors for stroke(2).Sudden drops in blood oxygen levels that occur during sleep apnea increase blood pressure and strain the cardiovascular system. Having obstructive sleep apnea increases your risk of high blood pressure.

High blood pressure damages arteries throughout the body, creating conditions where they can burst or clog more easily. Weakened arteries in the brain, resulting from high blood pressure, put you at a much higher risk for stroke. Preventing or controlling high blood pressure can greatly lower the chances of having a stroke.

For those who have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, it’s very important to accept sleep apnea treatment and have the blood pressure measured regularly

How Wellue Can Help

Wellue Blood pressure Monitor with EKG

For at-home instant and regular monitoring.

Can record long-term data for health insight.

Easily share the data with healthcare providers.

Prevent Atrial Fibrillation

Obstructive sleep apnea(OSA) is common among patients with atrial fibrillation(AF). Growing evidence suggests(3) that OSA is associated with the initiation and maintenance of AF. This association is independent of obesity, body mass index and hypertension. OSA not only promotes initiation of AF but also has a significant negative impact on the treatment of AF. Patients with untreated OSA have a higher AF recurrence rate with drug therapy, electrical cardioversion and catheter ablation. Treatment with continuous positive airway pressure(CPAP) has been shown to improve AF control in patients with OSA.

Atrial fibrillation(AF) increase the risk of stroke by 5-fold, and more than 40% of all strokes in patients older than 80 years are attributable to AF(4).In AF, the chaotic rhythm may cause blood to pool in the heart’s upper chambers(atria) and form clots. If a blood clot forms, it could dislodge from the heart and travel the brain. There it might block blood flow, causing a stroke.

Preventing or controlling atrial fibrillation can greatly lower the chances of having a stroke.

Tests used to diagnose atrial fibrillation include:


Holter monitor

Stress test


Transesophageal echocardiogram

Chest X-ray

How Wellue Can Help

Wellue holder monitor: This portable monitor tracks the heart’s electrical activity over 24 hours. It’s useful because atrial fibrillation events may not happen all the time. The data can be easily shared with the doctors.

Checkme™ Doctor Vital Signs Monitor

EKG Holter monitor for 24 hours.

Record ECG/EKG when an Afib event happens.

More useful functions:

Infrared Thermometer

Tracking Oxygen Saturation

Sleep Apnea Screening

Tracking Blood Pressure

Touch Screen Operation

Prevent Diabetes

Studies suggest(5) (6)that obstructive sleep apnea is independently associated with alterations in glucose metabolism and places patients at an increased risk of developing insulin resistance and diabetes. The oxygen desaturation index is the main determining factor(7).

Diabetes is a well-established risk factor for stroke(8). Diabetes means you have too much sugar(glucose) in your blood, and this can make you more likely to have a stroke. This is because having too much sugar in your blood damages the blood vessels. It can make the blood vessels become stiff, and can also cause a build-up of fatty deposits. Preventing and controlling diabetes well can reduce stroke risk.

How Wellue Can Help

For those who have been diagnosed with diabetes,self-testing the blood sugar (blood glucose) can be an important tool in managing the diabetes and preventing complications. Wellue Checkme Suit enables at-home blood sugar testing every day.

Checkme™ Suit comes with a blood glucose meter kit (a blood glucose meter, test strips, lancing device, sterile lancet included) and a carrying case.

More useful functions:

EKG Holter monitor for 24 hours.

ECG/EKG recorder

Infrared Thermometer

Tracking Oxygen Saturation

Sleep Apnea Screening

Tracking Blood Pressure

Touch Screen Operation

Be Informed, Be Healthy

People with sleep apnea can live long, healthy lives, free from heart disease, stroke, and other health problems. Recognizing the connection between sleep apnea and stroke is the first step towards lowering stroke risk. Here are more tips:

Work with your doctor to manage your sleep apnea and other stroke risk factors, such as hypertension and high cholesterol.

Limit your alcohol consumption.

If you smoke, quit.

Maintain a healthy diet.

Add regular exercise to your routine.

If you think you’re having a stroke, seek emergency help right away.

How Wellue Can Help

It’s very important to evaluate the effectiveness of sleep apnea treatments at home. When a sleep apnea event happens, the blood oxygen level(pulse oximetry reading: SpO2) drops. Overnight blood oxygen level fluctuation can be used to monitor the ongoing treatment(9).

Wellue Continuous Oxygen Monitor:

-Sleep apnea screening.

-Overnight blood oxygen level tracking.

-Evaluating the effectiveness of sleep apnea treatment and remedies.

-Optional vibrating alerting function for low blood oxygen.

– Unique ring-shaped design for comfortable sleep.

Trusted Source:

1. National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information: Obstructive Sleep Apnea
2.PubMed: Prospective study of the association between sleep-disordered breathing and hypertension.
3.PMC: Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and Atrial Fibrillation
4.PubMed: Association of atrial fibrillation with mortality and disability after ischemic stroke.
5.PubMed: Obstructive sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes: interacting epidemics
6.PubMed: Obstructive sleep apnea: an unexpected cause of insulin resistance and diabetes
7.PubMed: Obstructive sleep apnea is independently associated with insulin resistance
8.NVBI: Diabetes and Stroke: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Pharmaceuticals and Outcomes
9.PMC: The Role of Overnight Pulse-Oximetry in Recognition of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. in Morbidly Obese and Non Obese Patients

How Pulse Oximeters relate to COVID19 and if it’s truly a must-buy

How Pulse Oximeters relate to COVID19 and if it’s truly a must-buy


1. How Pulse Oximeters Work: Detection of Blood Oxygen Levels

2. Benefits and Pitfalls of Pulse Oximetry


The continuing battle with the global spread of the novel COVID-19 has emphasized and revitalized the vital role of innovative tools that could help detect symptoms before the clinical condition worsens. Thus, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about an influx in demand for home monitoring tools, particularly pulse oximeters, since one of the clinical concerns with acquiring a COVID-19 infection is its respiratory effects. Respiratory function, specifically, oxygenation, can be impaired by severe COVID-19 infection. The virus damages the lung, thereby reducing oxygen intake capacity. With pulse oximetry, important data on respiratory parameters are reflected. It could monitor COVID-19 disease progression by measuring the oxygen saturation (SpO2) in a person’s blood.

How Pulse Oximeters Work: Detection of Blood Oxygen Levels

Although people infected with COVID-19 can manifest with varying symptoms, the most common initial symptoms observed in patients are fever, cough, fatigue, and myalgia. Symptoms are then classified as mild, moderate, and severe. Those with mild symptoms and are otherwise healthy are often sent home to manage their symptoms. Pulse oximeters can be useful for these patients. The home pulse oximetry readings can accurately reflect important clinical insight on respiratory deterioration. The blood oxygen level of a person infected with the novel coronavirus may be lower than average. This condition is known as hypoxia. The more severe the infection, the lower the oxygen saturation reading will be. Some patients unknowingly have decreased blood oxygen levels during the early stages of COVID-19. Their clinical status can immediately deteriorate, and they can eventually manifest with shortness of breath, which leads to higher mortality rates. Having a pulse oximeter can detect low blood oxygen levels before the onset of severe symptoms.  

A pulse oximeter like the Wellue OxySmart™ is designed as a clip that fits on a person’s fingertips or toes. The Wellue O2Ring™, on the other hand, is a ring-like device that the patient can wear. Both devices make use of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and a light detector. When the oximeter is attached to the fingertip, the LEDs and the light detector capture blood flow from the small vessels. From this, the device can then measure the percentage of oxygen-carrying blood within seconds. The pulse oximeter also has a monitor that displays the SpO2 rate and a pulse wave, representing the pulse rate. It can be used to determine how much oxygen a patient needs and when they may need it.

Not only could pulse oximeters like Wellue OxySmart™ and O2Ring™ Continuous Ring Oximeter record SpO2, but it could also document the corresponding pulse rate, heart rate, perfusion index, and movements of a person. There is merit in knowing these health parameters, especially SpO2. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends oxygen saturation levels of 92–96%. Anything below this range indicates a severe case of COVID-19 infection, which may require urgent hospitalization for immediate oxygen supplementation and critical care. It is where data collected from a Wellue OxySmart™ and O2 Ring™ Continuous Ring Oximeter can be life-saving.

The use of these devices by generally healthy people and patients diagnosed with mild COVID-19 symptoms cannot aid in establishing whether or not there is a need for them to be hospitalized. However, people can monitor their clinical status even in the comforts of their homes since these devices can instantly analyze the user’s condition.

Benefits and Pitfalls of Pulse Oximetry

Pulse oximeters are not foolproof. The method or technique of measurement can affect the oxygen saturation that will be recorded. Improper placement of these devices can inaccurately reflect oxygen levels in the blood. The best reading can be achieved with a strong pulsatile flow from the site of measurement, granted that the wearer has warm hands and is relaxed.

However, both Wellue OxySmart™ and Wellue O2 Ring™ Continuous Ring Oximeter are FDA-approved wearable electronic devices that can monitor oxygenation continuously, remotely, and noninvasively. The data is gathered in real-time. It is then seamlessly uploaded to a mobile, tablet, or computer app, which can be viewed by the wearer and conveniently shared with a health care provider. This feature will eliminate the need of the user to physically go to the hospital or clinic if it’s only for a check-up. With the data from these devices that they can easily muster, they now have the option to talk to health professionals through online consultations and still have an updated and monitored analysis of their current health condition. Doing so could mean having a smoother and easier online consultation experience. Home monitoring of blood oxygen levels can prevent premature and unnecessary visits to the emergency department and simultaneously optimize in‐person health care utilization. Especially during a pandemic, having an at-home device would be the best option to minimize the risk of getting infected.

Wellue O2 Ring™ Continuous Ring Oximeter allows wearers to capture their SpO2 levels overnight while they are sleeping. The ring vibrates to alert the wearer once their blood oxygen levels fall below the optimal range. This can be particularly helpful in monitoring oxygen saturation in COVID-19 patients while they sleep. Heart rate, respiratory rate, and overall sympathetic tone are decreased during sleep. COVID-19 patients who are already critical would not be able to tolerate a fall in sympathetic tone since this can further aggravate hypoxia. The ring oximeter readings can be used to assess oxygenation in patients under critical care. It can help detect early decompensation and subsequently allow healthcare professionals to deploy resuscitative measures.

All in all, pulse oximeter readings may not reveal the severity of the disease process, and patients should, therefore, always seek further medical evaluation if they are experiencing any COVID19 related symptoms. They should not solely rely on these devices to detect medical conditions such as COVID-19, COPD, pneumonia, asthma, and other disease entities with a failure in oxygen supply. Pulse oximeter devices are used mostly for conveniently monitoring the wearer’s current health condition. It is also a great tool to determine the consistency of their health, as well as a warning device that can help the patient be more conscious of their health insights.


  1. Shenoy, N., Luchtel, R. & Gulani, P. Considerations for target oxygen saturation in COVID-19 patients: are we under-shooting?. BMC Med 18, 260 (2020).

  • Shah, S., Majmudar, K., Stein, A., Gupta, N., Suppes, S., Karamanis, M., … Patte, C. (2020). Novel use of home pulse oximetry monitoring in COVID‐19 patients discharged from the emergency department identifies need for hospitalization. Academic Emergency Medicine. doi:10.1111/acem.14053

What is COPD and How Can Pulse Oximeters Help with It?

What is COPD and How Can Pulse Oximeters Help with It?

Article overview

1. The respiratory system safeguards effective gas exchange
2. Oxygen is vital for normal body function
3. Different types of respiratory system illnesses
4. What is COPD?
5. The primary cause of COPD
6. COPD can lead to decreased oxygen saturation of the blood
7. Ways to measure oxygen in the blood

The levels of oxygen in the blood reflect the amount being carried by the red blood cells and are an indicator of how well our respiratory system is ensuring proper gas exchange. Our bodies have specific mechanisms that maintain the adequate concentrations of gases and substances needed for everyday life.

The respiratory system safeguards effective gas exchange

The respiratory system plays an important role in human physiology by preserving the efficient exchange of gas. When a person inhales, the air enters the nostrils and upper airways, where it is filtered and humidified. Water vapor is added to the inhaled air, and it is slowly channeled into the lower respiratory tract and into thin-walled sacs called alveoli.

The alveoli are located adjacent to tiny blood vessels called capillaries. It is the apposition of these structures that allow for the diffusion of gases between the thin-walled membranes. Oxygen from the inspired air is dispersed into the blood, while carbon dioxide is exchanged from the blood into the alveolar air. The dissolved oxygen in the blood then becomes distributed to the rest of the body.

Oxygen is vital for normal body function

One of the main functions of oxygen in the body is the production of energy derived from food breakdown in a process called cellular respiration. Food is composed of basic units known as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Energy is produced when the cell breaks down these basic food units with the help of oxygen-derived from the gas exchange system. The energy produced is usually stored in the chemical bonds of molecules called Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP and can be used to perform all types of work, from simple tasks like the involuntary digestion of food to more complex ones such as exercising or dancing.

blood oxygen level

Different types of respiratory system illnesses

Three main types of diseases can affect the respiratory system. The first type deals with diseases that can affect the airways and includes any form of obstruction. The second type involves those causing damage to lung tissue. Lastly, the third type includes those that alter circulation or the blood vessels that supply the lung.

Internationally, one of the common diseases affecting the lungs is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (also known as COPD).

What is COPD?

COPD is characterized by persistent airflow reduction and presents with progressively worsening breathlessness, from the difficulty of breathing upon exertion to eventual shortness of breath even at rest. It is life-threatening and estimated to be largely underdiagnosed. Over 3.23 million people, or 5.8% of global deaths were attributed to COPD.

The disease develops slowly and usually becomes evident by 40 to 50 years of age. Along with breathlessness, other symptoms that may accompany the illness include chronic cough (a cough lasting more than eight weeks for adults) and excess production of sputum (the mucous secretion from the lower respiratory tract).

COPD can cause difficulty and disability in performing daily tasks such as going up a flight of stairs, carrying luggage, and even simple activities such as taking a bath. As the condition progresses, afflicted patients may experience short episodes of worsening symptoms or exacerbations, including increased breathlessness, coughing, and sputum production.


The primary cause of COPD

Among several risk factors causing this illness, tobacco smoke has been identified as the primary cause, including passive exposure or secondhand smoke. Other determinants that may influence the risk of acquiring COPD include air pollution (indoor and outdoor), occupational specks of dust and chemicals, and a history of frequent lower respiratory infections during childhood.

Previously, the disease was more common in men. However, recently, trends have shown that it now affects both males and females equally due to increased levels of smoking among women and the higher exposure to indoor air pollution such as that which may be inhaled during cooking and heating.

COPD is initially suspected in those presenting with the previously mentioned symptoms of cough, excess sputum production, and worsening breathlessness. A diagnostic breathing test called spirometry can be performed on suspected patients. It involves measuring how much and how quickly air can be exhaled in one forced breath.

COPD can lead to decreased oxygen saturation of the blood

Because of the reduction in airflow, patients with this condition often have lower than average oxygen saturation of the blood. For normal individuals, the average oxygen saturation should be at 95-100%. For patients with COPD, oxygen saturation falls to about 88-92%. 3 This is below “normal” but can be considered “acceptable” because of the presence of the condition.

With this being said, it is therefore essential to have oxygen levels regularly monitored. The amount of oxygen in the blood may be measured in two ways.

Ways to measure oxygen in the blood

First, oxygen may be measured with an arterial blood gas (ABG) determination. It is a test where blood is taken from an artery (usually at the wrist) rather than from a vein. Arteries are much more deep-seated than veins and more closely associated with nerves. Thus the ABG can be quite a painful procedure. However, it is most accurate and provides oxygen level measurement in partial pressure (PaO2).

Another less painful and more convenient method is using a device called the pulse oximeter like the Wellue O2Ring. It estimates the amount of oxygen in the blood by sending infrared light into the capillaries of the fingers, toes, or earlobes and measuring the amount reflected, which is proportional to the saturation of gases. Devices like the Wellue O2Ring can track the oxygen levels every second, and it has a Low Oxygen Alarm feature. This alarm would come in handy since it will vibrate when the oxygen level is low to call the user’s attention and notify them. Having this type of device can also record and create a detailed report and analysis of the wearer’s health insights. A pulse oximeter ring like the Wellue O2Ring can also provide maximum comfort that even while sleeping, they will have no problem using the said device. By the next day, the patient can check and monitor their health overnight through an app on their phone or through a computer.
