What Is the Normal Blood Oxygen Level? Is My Blood Oxygen Level Normal?

What Is the Normal Blood Oxygen Level? Is My Blood Oxygen Level Normal?

What your blood oxygen level shows

Your red blood cells are like vehicles. Each can carry up to four oxygen molecules across your body, getting them to places like your heart and brain. Your body’s vital systems need a normal percentage of oxygen inside your blood at all times, known as your oxygen saturation. However, sometimes your blood can get either too much or too little oxygen, and in these cases, there can be serious health consequences.

People with chronic health conditions many need to monitor their blood oxygen level. This includes asthma, heart disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

In these cases, monitoring your blood oxygen level can help determine if treatments are working, or if they should be adjusted.

Keep reading to learn where your blood oxygen level should be, what symptoms you may experience if your level is off, and what happens next.

messuring blood oxygen level with Wellue O2ring

Where your blood oxygen level should fall

A measurement of your blood oxygen is called your oxygen saturation level. In medical shorthand, you may hear it called a PaO2 when using a blood gas and an O2 sat (SpO2) when using a pulse ox. These guidelines will help you understand what your result might mean:

Normal Blood Oxygen Levels

Older adults typically have lower oxygen saturation levels than younger adults. For example, someone older than 70 years of age may have an oxygen saturation level of about 95%, which is an acceptable level.

It is important to note that the oxygen saturation level varies considerably based on a person’s state of health. Thus, it is important to understand both baseline readings and underlying physiology associated with certain conditions to interpret oxygen saturation levels and changes in these levels.

  • People who are obese and/or have conditions such as lung and cardiovascular diseases, emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congenital heart disease and sleep apnea tend to have lower oxygen saturation levels.
  • Smoking can influence the accuracy of pulse oximetry in which the the SpO2 is low or falsely high depending on whether hypercapnia is present. With hypercapnia, it is difficult for the pulse oximeter to differentiate oxygen in the blood from carbon monoxide (caused by smoking).
  • Oxygen saturation levels may decrease slightly when a person is talking.
  • Oxygen saturation may remain normal (e.g., 97% and higher) for people with anemia. However, this may not indicate adequate oxygenation because there are less hemoglobin to carry an adequate supply of oxygen for people who have anemia. The inadequate supply of oxygen may be more prominent during activity for people with anemia.
  • Falsely low oxygen saturation levels may be associated with hypothermia, decreased peripheral perfusion, and cold extremities. In these cases, an ear lobe pulse oximeter device or arterial blood gases would provide a more accurate oxygen saturation level. However, arterial blood gases are usually only taken in critical care or emergency settings.

Points to Consider

For medical purposes, a normal blood oxygen saturation rate is often considered between 95% and 100%.In practice, the SpO2 range of 92–100% is generally acceptable for most clients. Some experts have suggested that a SpO2 level of at least 90% will prevent hypoxic tissue injury and ensure client safety (Beasley, et al., 2016).

Low Blood Oxygen Levels

The medical definition of a low blood oxygen rate is any percentage below 90% oxygen saturation. Oxygen saturation below 90% is very concerning and indicates an emergency. Call 911 immediately if you or someone you know experiences such a low blood oxygen level.

When Low Oxygen Saturation Affects Your Brain

By the time your oxygen saturation has fallen to between 80% and 85%, your brain may be affected by the lack of oxygen. You may also experience vision changes.

What happens if your oxygen level is too low

When your blood oxygen level goes outside the typical range, you may begin experiencing symptoms.

This includes:

shortness of breath

chest pain



rapid heartbeat


The first visible symptoms of low blood oxygen, cyanosis causes a blue tinge to develop on your skin, particularly around your mouth and lips and beneath your fingernail matrix. This change occurs when your blood oxygen saturation reaches approximately 67%.

Cyanosis is considered an emergency. If you’re experiencing symptoms, you should seek immediate medical attention. Cyanosis can lead to respiratory failure, which can be life-threatening.

What causes blood oxygen levels to be low

Conditions that can negatively affect your blood oxygen level include:

COPD, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema

acute respiratory distress syndrome


collapsed lung


congenital heart defects

heart disease

pulmonary embolism

These conditions may prevent your lungs from adequately inhaling oxygen-containing air and exhaling carbon dioxide. Likewise, blood disorders and problems with your circulatory system may prevent your blood from picking up oxygen and transporting it throughout your body.

Any of these problems or disorders can lead to declining oxygen saturation levels. As your oxygen levels fall, you may begin experiencing symptoms of hypoxemia.

People who smoke may have an inaccurately high pulse ox reading. Smoking causes carbon monoxide to build up in your blood. A pulse ox can’t tell the difference between this other type of gas and oxygen.

If you smoke and need to know your blood oxygen level, an ABG may be the only way to receive an accurate reading.

How to adjust your blood oxygen level

If your blood oxygen level is too low, you may need to boost your oxygen saturation. This is often done with supplemental oxygen.

Home supplemental oxygen is considered a medication, and your doctor must prescribe it. It’s important to follow your doctor’s specific advice on how home oxygen should be used to avoid complications. Your health insurance may cover the expense.

What is Asthma?What does Asthma feel like?

What is Asthma?What does Asthma feel like?

Article Overview

1. What is Asthma?
2. Symptoms of asthma
3. Diagnosis of Asthma
4. Understand Your Hypoxic Events Easily with Wellue O2ring
5. Estimated duration of Asthma
6. Prevention of Asthma
7. Treatment of Asthma
8. When to call a professional

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic (long-term) lung disease. The airway narrows and becomes inflamed. This can cause breathing difficulties and wheeze.

Asthma ranges from mild to severe. Some people only experience mild symptoms occasionally. Others have almost constant severe, life-threatening symptoms.

During an asthma attack, the airways become inflamed. When the surrounding muscles contract, they narrow. The mucus produced by inflammation fills the narrow channels. As a result, the airflow is partially or completely blocked.

Asthma affects the larger and smaller airways of the lungs.

The cause of asthma-related inflammation is unclear. However, several environmental “triggers” have been identified.


Many causes of asthma are allergens. Allergens can cause some people’s immune system to overreact. Common allergens include:

  • Animal dander and saliva
  • Pollen
  • Mould
  • Dust mites
  • Cockroaches
  • Some medications
  • Certain foods

Also ranked high on the list of asthma triggers are:

  • Viral infections, such as colds and flu
  • Exercise
  • Breathe cold and dry air

Environmental pollutants, such as:

  • Cigarette smoke
  • Wood smoke
  • Paint smell
  • Chemicals
  • Strong smell
  • Emotional stress

For some people with severe asthma, no specific trigger can be determined.

Asthma can develop early, usually before 5 years of age. But its symptoms can start at any age. The condition has a genetic (genetic) component. It usually affects people with a family history of allergies.

Symptoms of Asthma

  • Wheezing (whistle when air is forced out)
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Chest tightness
  • Persistent cough
  • For some patients with asthma, chronic cough is the main symptom.

Symptoms of a severe asthma attack may include:

  • Extreme shortness of breath
  • Chest tightness
  • Fast pulse
  • Sweating
  • Dilated nostrils and pursed lips
  • Need to sit upright
  • Blue lips and nails

Between asthma attacks or sudden attacks, people with mild or moderate asthma may not have any symptoms.

In some people, symptoms only come on suddenly during or after exercise.

People with asthma who have an upper respiratory tract infection (such as a cold or flu) tend to have more severe symptoms.

Diagnosis of Asthma

Your doctor will ask:

  • Do you have any symptoms
  • How serious are they
  • When and where they happened
  • How often they occur
  • What triggers and alleviates them

These details will help your doctor find ways to help prevent asthma attacks.

Your doctor will also want to know:

  • Your personal history of allergies and respiratory diseases
  • Your family history of asthma, allergies, and respiratory diseases
  • Your doctor will listen to your back with a stethoscope to detect wheezing.

During the attack, your doctor can assess the severity of your sudden attack. He will listen to the airflow in your lungs. He will also observe how you use your chest muscles to breathe. Blue lips or skin indicate that you are not getting enough oxygen.

Other tests can be carried out in the office. These include measuring the speed of the air you can exhale forcefully. This is done by a device called a peak flow meter.

Another test called pulse oximetry measures the amount of oxygen in the blood. It is done by placing a small plastic clip on your fingertips.

Understand Your Hypoxic Events Easily with Wellue O2ring

Wellue O2ring helps to track your blood oxygen level during your sleep, the report shows how long your oxygen is below 90%; how many times during a night your oxygen drops over 4%. You can also zoom into the chart to see more details, such as the exact value when dropping happens. You can easily share with your doctor for analyzing purposes.

During an asthma attack, blood tests may be done to check for infection. An arterial blood gas (ABG) test can be performed on blood samples. It provides more accurate oxygen level measurements. Your doctor may also want you to have a chest X-ray.

Two types of tests are commonly used to show how well your lungs are functioning:

Spirometry — This is a more thorough test. It is used to confirm the diagnosis of asthma. It also provides more detailed information about your lung function.

During spirometry, you exhale into a device that analyzes airflow and volume. After you take the bronchodilator, part of the test may be repeated. This medication relaxes the muscles around the airways. If you use bronchodilators to improve airflow, you have asthma.

Sometimes, when the spirometry shows normal, a provocation test is performed. For this test, you inhale the medicine to see if it causes your airway muscles to tighten. Asthma patients are more sensitive to this drug: their airway muscles are more likely to tighten.

Peak flow meter-this is a small portable tube. It can quickly and easily measure the airflow from the lungs. It measures the speed of the air expelled when you blow hard through it.

Peak flow meters are usually provided for asthma patients to use at home. They can use them to monitor their asthma. These devices help detect the earliest signs of an asthma attack.

Your doctor may want to do a blood test or allergy skin testing. These tests are used to determine specific substances (“allergens”) that can trigger an allergy.

Estimated duration of Asthma

Adult asthma is usually a lifelong disease. Through treatment, symptoms can be controlled. They may be uncommon or very mild.

In about half of children with asthma, asthma will go away on its own. Or it becomes less serious over time. However, it often reappears in later life.

Asthma attacks can go away on their own or with the help of asthma medications. The frequency and severity of attacks vary. It usually depends on the reason for triggering the attack.

Prevention of Asthma

Some asthma episodes can be prevented by avoiding or minimizing exposure to triggers.

These include environmental triggers such as:

  • Cigarette smoke
  • Environmental pollutants (especially when pollution and ozone levels are high)
  • Strong chemicals

If exercise triggers your asthma:

  • Breathe warm, humidified air before and during exercise
  • Use inhalers before exercise
  • Eliminating allergens at home often can go a long way to controlling asthma symptoms.

If dust mites are a trigger:

  • Encase mattresses in airtight enclosures
  • Clean your home frequently
  • Wash bedding frequently in very hot water
  • Remove carpets and heavy draperies from sleeping areas

Some people may need to avoid animals entirely. Others may benefit from taking preventive medicine before an anticipated exposure to animals. Pet owners should keep pets out of bedrooms and bathe them regularly.

Those who are affected by pollens should:

  • Stay indoors whenever possible
  • Use air conditioning
  • Keep windows closed during the high pollen season

Prevention also means learning to anticipate future attacks. Monitor your symptoms and peak-flow readings to help identify a coming attack before symptoms develop. This allows you to adjust your medications to prevent an attack.

Early signs or symptoms of an asthma flare-up include:

  • Coughing more often
  • Increased mucus or phlegm
  • Becoming short of breath quickly with exertion or exercise
  • Developing a sinus headache or fever

Having symptoms that resemble a cold:

  • Runny or congested nose
  • Sneezing
  • Watery eyes

Treatment of Asthma

The focus of treatment is:

  • Prevent or stop inflammation
  • Relax the muscles in the airway

If you have chronic asthma, please work with your doctor to develop an asthma management plan. The plan stipulates:

  • How to avoid asthma triggers
  • When and how to take medication regularly
  • How to deal with acute attacks
  • How to use a peak flow meter

There are several medicines that can be used to treat asthma. Some treat acute attacks (“rapid relievers”). Other prevent attacks from occurring (“controller”).

It is important to take preventive asthma medications as prescribed. You should take them even if you have no symptoms.

Bronchodilators. Bronchodilators relax the muscles around the airways to improve airflow. They are usually inhaled. One type of bronchodilator is called β-agonist. It includes salbutamol, metanephrine and pirbuterol. Beta-receptor agonists can be used alone as rapid relievers for mild and occasional symptoms. They are also used as “rescue” drugs to stop attacks. They can be inhaled with an inhaler or a nebulizer. A nebulizer is a device that mixes medicine with mist for inhalation. Other bronchodilators are used as “controllers” to reduce the number of asthma attacks. These include salmeterol (Serevent) and theophylline (several brands). They are not useful for asthma attacks because they take a long time to start working.

Anti-inflammatory drugs. These are controllers. Regardless of whether a person has asthma symptoms or not, they are usually taken regularly. They work by reducing inflammation. This reduces mucus production and reduces airway muscle contraction.

Anyone who has more than one asthma symptom every week should consider taking anti-inflammatory drugs. The first choice is usually inhaled corticosteroids.

 When inhaled corticosteroids are not completely successful, corticosteroids can also be taken as pills. People who need urgent care or hospitalization usually get corticosteroids intravenously.

Other inhaled anti-inflammatory drugs can also be used. Leukotriene modulators are taken orally. These drugs block the chemicals that cause inflammation and narrow airways in many people with asthma.

Another anti-inflammatory drug is omalizumab (Xolair), which blocks inflammation by attacking IgE antibodies. IgE antibodies are the main participants in allergic reactions. This medication helps control the symptoms of severe allergic asthma patients who do not respond to other therapies and require frequent oral corticosteroids.

Immunotherapy. Some asthma patients also benefit from immunotherapy. In immunotherapy, patients will inject more and more allergens. The goal is to desensitize the human immune system. Immunotherapy seems to be most effective for mild to moderate asthma symptoms caused by sensitivity to indoor allergens.

Severe asthma attacks must be treated in a hospital. There, oxygen can be administered, and drugs may be given intravenously or with a nebulizer. In life-threatening cases, the patient may need a breathing tube placed in the large airway and artificial ventilation.

When to call a professional

Please call your doctor whenever you or your child continue to experience the following conditions:

  • respite
  • Chest tightness
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Cough

Some children with asthma may not particularly complain of shortness of breath. However, they may open their nostrils or use chest and neck muscles when breathing. These signs indicate that they are in trouble.

If you have been diagnosed with asthma, please call your doctor if you have the following symptoms:

  • Getting worse
  • Not controlled by conventional drugs

For example, if you must use emergency bronchodilators more than four times a day, call your doctor. Also, if your peak flow meter reading is in the yellow or red zone, please call.

If you have an asthma attack and your symptoms persist despite taking common medications, seek emergency help immediately.

Although asthma cannot be cured, it almost always can be controlled successfully. Most people with asthma lead relatively normal lives.

5 Best smart ring buying guide 2022

5 Best smart ring buying guide 2022

In recent years, smart rings have gradually become popular among the general public. These rings are gradually changing people’s lifestyles.

In our world of interconnected devices, there are plenty of options available to track and record your data and compile it into easy-to-read metrics that can provide you with useful information about your health, habits, and bodily functions.

In addition to the health benefits, smart rings can also be used as security measures, securely connecting you to biometric systems and helping you to make secure contactless payments as well.

No matter what your needs are, there is a smart ring on the market for you.

Smart Ring Comparison Chart
Smart Ring Comparison

What does a smart ring do?

A smart ring is an electronic device worn around your finger and can collect many different types of data. Smart rings are useful for many reasons, such as sleep tracking, blood pressure, blood oxygen levels, heart rate, activity tracking, and other features. A smart ring can connect to your mobile devices with Bluetooth capabilities and help the user monitor sleep, track sleep apnea, body temperature, and other biometric data.

A smart ring can also provide other functionality, such as using an NFC chip connected to your bank cards to make contactless payments.

Smart rings can also be useful for providing notifications from other devices, such as updates from online accounts, phone calls, or reminders for to-do lists.

How to use a smart ring?

A smart ring can be worn on the index finger, ring finger, or any finger of your choosing. All you need to do is wear your ring like normal, and the smart ring will automatically track your data and utilize its features.

Smart rings require little to no additional setup to track your data. You need to wear your ring like a traditional ring and go about your life like normal.

Depending on the battery power of your smart ring, you will need to place your ring on the charging dock occasionally to charge the battery.

How accurate are smart rings?

Most smart rings collect various data that can be compiled into useful metrics for improving health and making life easier. Many smart rings are similar in the data they collect, but some smart rings are more accurate than others in different usage scenarios.  

The smart ring options have evolved drastically over the last several years, and advancements in wearable tech have made smart rings more accurate than ever.

Smart rings can be used to accurately track heart rate, sleep, blood oxygen level, body temperature, and activity tracking, and it is much more convenient than other wearables.

Smart watches

Smart watch
smart watch

Although smartwatches are very popular, they cannot provide the high level of accuracy provided by smart rings due to their different wearing positions. Smart rings can make more precise measurements, as well as take measurements with minimal interference.

The battery life of smart rings also lasts much longer than that of smartwatches, which need to be charged more frequently, meaning that less data is being measured.

Smart ring during COVID

A smart ring is an excellent consideration for the COVID-19 pandemic. Many smart rings offer to monitor your blood oxygen level, which is an important metric for someone who has COVID. Monitoring blood oxygen levels is a great way to track whether or not there is enough oxygen in your blood, which is good news for COVID patients.

COVID and heart rate


Another important metric that smart rings can measure in regards to COVID is your resting heart rate. If you become infected with the virus, it is important to monitor your heart rate if the infection becomes problematic.

NFC Smart

Another benefit of smart rings during COVID is the NFC chip. Using NFC for contactless payments is a great way to protect yourself from germs out in public. By waving the ring on your finger over the sensor for contactless cards, you can make payments without the need to make contact with surfaces.

NFC Compatibility

There are two categories to consider when looking for an NFC ring: passive options, which can be used for contactless payments, POS systems, integration with a biometric security company, and a smart NFC ring that incorporates NFC into its broader functionality.

The smart NFC ring that you choose should be based on your needs and incorporated into the systems you already use in your daily life.

NFC smart

Things to consider when buying a smart ring

There are many different options when it comes to buying a smart ring. To find the best ring for you, it is helpful to decide what you want out of your ring and what data you want your ring to collect. This buyer’s guide can help you find the best ring for your needs.

Smart ring Features

The smart ring market is full of options, and before you decide on the ring for you, it is a good idea to decide on the features you want your ring to have beforehand.

Data accuracy

What data do you want your smart ring to collect? Do you want a ring that can track sleep, heart rate, and blood oxygen levels? Do you want a smart ring that acts as a fitness ring? Does your ring need to be water-resistant or have long battery life? Should your smart ring connect to your phone or other devices?

All of these questions are important when it comes to choosing the best smart ring for your lifestyle. Whether you prefer sleep tracking, fitness tracking, or an NFC smart ring, there is a ring with all the features you need.

O2ring report
Wellue O2ring provides users with detailed analysis and records of overnight blood oxygen levels, heart rates, and body movements. It records in 4-second intervals.


Most smart rings can connect with your other electronic devices to retrieve the data that smart rings collect. The more data that smart rings collect typically means you want a ring with longer battery life to get the most use out of your ring.

Exporting your data is also an important factor to keep in mind when shopping for smart rings. The ability to see all of your data in one easy-to-read format is crucial for understanding your habits and vital signs.

Smart Ring Form Factor

A smart ring will live on your finger, so the smart ring form factor is something to consider.

Do you want your smart ring to have a subtle design that looks like a regular ring, or do you prefer a ring that looks more like a futuristic gadget on your finger?

The form factor will be dependent on the functionality of the ring you choose.

Looks are important

There are plenty of options available on the internet for smart rings for picking a smart ring that resembles a regular, circular ring. Smart rings can come in all finishes, like rose gold, silver, volcanic magnet, and energy stone.

You want a ring that looks good on your hand, regardless of the outfit you wear or the setting in which you’re wearing it.

Most importantly, however, you should also feel good while wearing the ring.


To pick the right size ring, a sizing kit is a way to go. A sizing kit comes with multiple plastic rings in a variety of sizes in order to help you find the perfect fit for your ring.

To use the sizing kit, try the different rings on the finger you want to size until you find the one that fits best.

A ring should fit snugly around your finger but not so tight that you can’t take it off when you need to place it on the included charger. Your ring should be comfortable to wear when you are awake and while you sleep or exercise, without falling off.

If your smart ring is too small, you may restrict blood flow, which will obscure the data and give you inaccurate readings.

Alternatively, if the ring is too large, then the censors will not make proper contact with your skin, and you also run the risk of your ring slipping off during sleep or exercise, possibly losing the ring entirely.

Battery and charging

If you want to use a smart ring for sleep tracking, you will need to wear your ring overnight while you sleep, which means that you want to pick a ring with adequate battery life.

NFC smart rings are typically passive devices that do not need a battery to operate, such as the MClear ring. However, these types of rings do not provide the same features as battery-powered rings.

If you choose a battery-powered ring, it will come with a charging dock used to recharge the ring’s battery.

The charging time and battery life will depend on the ring’s functionality and how you use the ring daily.

Protection measures

Much like traditional rings, a smart ring that you wear 24/7 needs to be able to withstand your day-to-day life. When deciding features for a smart ring, you may decide that you want a ring that is scratch-resistant, water-resistant, and able to stay on your finger while you sleep.

The best smart rings provide all of the protection you need while giving you the functionality you deserve.

When making any investment, you want to purchase the product that gives you the most for your money without worrying about defects or being easily damaged.

The Oura ring provides an excellent finish that is scratch and water-resistant to maintain its beauty while providing full functionality.  

Operating system and device compatibility

When shopping for a smart ring, you must select a ring that can easily incorporate your other smart devices.

If you use an Android device, you want a ring that can communicate easily with your device to provide a seamless compilation of data, but if you use an iPhone, you want a ring that can be used with your apple health app.

Most smart rings can also be connected to smartwatches as an extra way to view the data that smart rings collect.

Additionally, smart rings like the Wellue O2Ring can export your data in various formats, making it simple to analyze your oximetry data in easy-to-read charts, graphs, and however else you may want to view your data.

To get the most value out of your smart ring, connecting your smart ring to your phone or PC is important, so the data it collects is easily accessible to you and any medical professionals you wish to share the data with.

Smart ring market

The cost of a smart ring can vary based on the brand, material, and functionality. This buyer’s guide aims to provide information on the best smart rings available.

While the Oura Ring is one of the top smart rings on the market, it retails for around $300. The Oura Ring is one of the best smart rings on the internet, which is why the company sold more than 150,000 in the last year alone.

The Wellue O2Ring is the best smart ring for home medical use. Utilizing infrared optical pulse measurement, the Wellue O2Ring is one of the best options that is proven to help track oxygen levels in your blood, sleep, and heart rate all in one.

The Wellue O2Ring retails for only $165 and has some of the best features available in a smart ring while providing the most accurate measurements of oxygen, heartbeat, and sleep patterns.


When making such an important purchase, it is important to select a ring with a comprehensive warranty. Should something happen to your smart ring, you must get a replacement or receive repairs.

Most of the best smart rings offer warranties, so check what the options are before you make a purchase.  

Best Smart Rings

Oura ring

Oura ring

The Oura ring is one of the most popular smart rings available. With its sleek form factor, silver and rose gold finish options, and long battery life, it’s easy to see why the Oura ring is so popular with health-conscious users.

The Oura provides all of the functionality that users seek in a smart ring, expertly packaged in a beautiful, comfortable device that has proven to be one of the best smart rings on the market.

The Oura ring’s price point, however, makes this a less attractive option for many buyers. 

Buy Oura ring.

Wellue O2Ring

Wellue O2ring gif
Wellue O2ring

The Wellue O2Ring is one of the best smart rings available. It will give you the most accurate measurements for blood oxygen, resting heart rate, and sleep tracking.

It is a sleep monitoring product with medical-grade accuracy. When the ring is put on, it automatically starts tracking your nighttime blood oxygen saturation, heart rate, and body movement.

Sleep Apnea

The Wellue O2Ring can help to manage sleep apnea. With its built-in sleep apnea evaluation, it can help monitor your overnight blood oxygen saturation and remind you of respiratory problems.

When it detects low oxygen levels or irregular heartbeats, it will silently vibrate to alert you, providing effective protection when you snore during sleep.

If you are looking to improve your life by monitoring your sleeping patterns, logging your vital signs, and tracking your data in an easy-to-read format, the Wellue O2 Ring is the ring for you.

Professional Reporting

The Wellue O2Ring provides continuous transmissive oximetry reporting, trusted by doctors and hospitals worldwide, all in a lightweight, comfortable wearable device designed to track every hypoxia event and promptly alert the wearer of any abnormalities.

It prints the sleep data throughout the night into a report, and if there are any abnormalities you can promptly share the report with your doctor.

If you are looking to improve your life by monitoring your sleeping patterns, logging your vital signs, and tracking your data in an easy-to-read format, the Wellue O2 Ring is the ring for you.

Buy Wellue O2ring.

MClear ring

MClear ring

The MClear ring is an NFC smart ring designed to be used for contactless payments and biometric security applications.

While the MClear ring can be a good replacement for contactless cards and payments, the MClear ring does not provide the same functionality as some other smart rings.

If you are looking for a smart ring to track hypoxia events or monitor blood pressure, the MClear ring may not be the ring for you.

Buy MClear ring.

Echo Loop

Amazon Echo Loop

The Amazon Echo Loop is a smart ring solution with many functions.

Aside from biometric data, the Amazon Echo Loop can be used to call your top contact in case of an emergency quickly.

One of the benefits of the Echo Loop is the device’s ability to seamlessly connect with all of your other Amazon-connected devices in your home to control the lights, TVs, and other Alexa-controlled devices.

The voice assistant capabilities of the Echo Loop are what make this smart ring so attractive to potential users, as this is currently the only smart ring available with voice-command capabilities.

Unfortunately, however, the Echo Loop is not available for the public to purchase at this time.

Amazon Echo Loop Application entrance.

Motiv ring

motiv ring product series
Motiv ring

The Motiv Ring is a great option for buyers looking to monitor workouts and physical activity. The Motiv Ring uses O2 sensors and a heart rate monitor to give users an accurate overview of their physical activity.

Whether your workouts involve running, biking, or weight lifting, the Motiv ring may be just the right smart ring to help optimize your workouts.

Aside from activity and biometric tracking, the Motiv Ring has gyroscopic sensors, as well as an accelerometer to gather your data best.

Motiv ring website.


In conclusion, a smart ring may be the device you need to help monitor your health, track your sleep cycles, or help you securely make contactless payments and connect to secure biometric systems.

While there are many smart rings available, it is important to evaluate the needs you wish to fulfill with a smart ring.

Whether you want a ring that can keep you secure online, keep track of your sleep and vital signs, or help you make calls quickly, there is a smart ring solution for you.

It is essential to choose a smart ring that is comfortable, accurate, and durable to get the most value out of your investment.

In this post-COVID landscape, monitoring oxygen levels in your blood has never been more critical, and having an accurate reading during a hypoxic event can sometimes be the difference between life and death.

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Who Needs to Monitor Oxygen Levels at Home in Daily Life

Who Needs to Monitor Oxygen Levels at Home in Daily Life

Normally, oxygen saturation (SpO2) means how much oxygen the hemoglobin in your blood is carrying.

Normal blood oxygen saturation in a healthy person is approximately 95-100%. If oxygen levels fall below this level, lung disease may be present. A level below 92% (in the case of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease — COPD, 88%) indicates a serious condition that may require supplemental oxygen or hospital monitoring.

The higher the oxygen saturation in the blood, the better the metabolism of the body. However, it does not mean that the higher is better. Too high will cause cell aging; too low will cause insufficient oxygen supply to the body, accompanied by dizziness, sleepiness, irritability, and other symptoms.

So who will need to monitor this indicator in daily life? Should you really monitor your blood oxygen levels at home? Wellue teams have made the following summary.

1. Patients with COVID-19 including those who have confirmed or suspected COVID-19

A drop in blood oxygen saturation is one of several typical symptoms of coronavirus and a valid indication to distinguish coronavirus from the common cold. Patients with lung infections tend to have decreased blood oxygen saturation, and this also applies to COVID-19. The epidemic is still spreading but the medical system’s support has collapsed, leaving many patients in home isolation. Controlling the infection is a key to prevention and control this epidemic. The epidemic should continue to exist this year, while local outbreaks are likely to occur. Then once you find your blood oxygen saturation suddenly low in daily life, you need to pay enough attention and seek timely medical attention.

Wellue hands over its remote solution. Its Oxylink Remote Oxygen Monitor proves its value in telemedicine.

Remote management of COVID-19, see Wellue’s solution.

Oxylink remote health management of COVID 19
Oxylink™ Remote can track a wearer’s SpO2 and HR, and stream the vital signs data to his/her family members or doctors via Remote Linker, creating a reliable telemetry system.

2. Patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, respiratory disease, sleep apnea etc.

Patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and respiratory diseases, especially the elderly, are characterized by low cure rates, high incidence of complications, and high death rates. They may require long-term care and need to keep good habits to slow down the development and deterioration of the disease. Thus daily monitoring of physical signs and symptoms is particularly important.

In addition to some common self-monitoring indicators such as heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature, with more and more smart wearable devices adding the function of blood oxygen monitoring, blood oxygen monitoring has also become popular. And for patients with chronic diseases, the continuous monitoring of this indicator has become easier. Just using a pulse oximeter to take an instant check is not so helpful. Wellue creates its oxygen monitors for long-term tracking of your SpO2 and pulse rate, such as O2Ring continuous oxygen monitor, Checkme O2 Max Wrist oxygen monitor. By recording these indicators continuously, not only can you better manage your health data outside of the hospital, but you can also go to the hospital for timely follow-up examinations based on the deterioration of the indicators. At the same time, the trend changes of these data are also very important for doctors to diagnose and adjust the treatment plan.

checkme O2 Max oxygen monitor
With extra-long battery run-time of 72 hours (more than 7 full nights) per charge, Checkme™ O2 Max Wrist Oxygen Monitor may well be the ultimate solution for continuous O2 saturation monitoring during sleep. Moreover, it has alarm reminders including audio notifications on the free APP and silent vibration on the device, which means you will get an alert if the too low oxygen level is detected.

3. Exercise enthusiasts

Like chronic disease patients, it is also very necessary to monitor exercisers’ vital signs to adjust the intensity and frequency of exercise. Especially when doing high-intensity exercise, they are easy to have an insufficient oxygen supply. In serious cases, acute ischemia, cardiac arrest, and interruption of cerebral blood flow may be led, which can cause sudden cardiac death and sudden death, as evidenced by the fact that there have been a number of reports of sudden death in sports this year. So it is very important to reasonably grasp the intensity of exercise.

How to Choose the Right Oxygen Monitor for Home Use?

How to Choose the Right Oxygen Monitor for Home Use?

A pulse oximeter is commonly known as a device that can measure SpO2 (oxygen saturation of hemoglobin in a patient’s arterial blood) in a non-invasive way. Now the technological advancements have made it possible to either provide continuous monitoring or spot-checking.

Real-time monitoring of blood oxygen levels now allows clinicians and patients to actually diagnose illnesses such as hypoxemia and sleep apnea at an early stage. Thus continuous monitoring of blood oxygen saturation has become vital in personal health management as it presents an indication of whether the lungs are functioning properly.

People who want to monitor their oxygen levels at home may wonder know how to choose the right oxygen monitor. Here are some tips collected by Wellue.

How to Choose the Right Pulse Oximeter

When you are going to choose the suitable home-use continuous oxygen monitor, better to refer to choosing tips as following.

1. Certification check & Review reference

Before paying for your order, you have to remember that accuracy is the most important factor to decide whether to buy medical equipment. The best way to make sure of the accuracy before you actually use the monitor is to check for the certifications and refer to the customer reviews. Someone who has bought and used the product will have their sounds online to phrase or make complaints, which sometimes can help you judge the quality.

Some reliable certifications are provided by a few organizations, such as the FDA and CE. Those organizations will review the quality and standards to assure the accuracy of the medical device.

2. Oxygen monitor type selection

In terms of design, if you do not consider other factors, just choose your favorite type, ring, or wrist, whatever is okay. But if you want to monitor the SpO2 for the whole night, we will strongly recommend you to choose the continuous overnight oxygen monitor rather than the fingertip pulse oximeter. As you know, the fingertip pulse oximeter uses the spot-checking approaches. If you do not have the need to monitor the oxygen saturation for several hours, the cheap fingertip pulse oximeter is more suitable.

3. Price & Features comparison

The price of oxygen monitors ranges from 10USD to 200USD. The general fingertip pulse oximeter is much cheaper and you can find one in pharmacies or online stores. As for the continuous overnight oxygen monitor, the price is slightly higher, as its function is improved well.

In terms of features, you can make your decision about what you need. Some have a bright and clear display; some are water-resistant; some can achieve remote monitoring. Also remember to consider if it is light to carry, comfortable to wear, easy to use, durable and portable.

Recommending the Right Pulse Oximeter – Wellue Continuous Oxygen Monitors

Wellue o2ring pulse oximeter

Some Benefits of Wellue Continuous Overnight Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor

Continuous oxygen monitoring is a better way to prescribe long-term oxygen therapy.

First, it can monitor one’s oxygen saturation over time, providing more utility for trends over time instead of absolute thresholds.

Second, if your oxygen levels are dangerously low or your abnormal heart rates are detected, it can alert with vibration or audio alarm on the free APP ViHealth, such as O2Ring continuous oxygen monitor and SleepU oxygen monitor, which is particularly helpful for patients with obstructive sleep apnea.

Third, using this product to monitor the blood oxygen saturation actually could offer peace of mind to people with obstructive sleep apnea, chronic respiratory or cardiovascular conditions, or people under anesthesia.

Fourth, it can also help assess the need for supplemental oxygen. For instance, when this is done overnight, a continuous measurement can be graphed and stored on your phone. The graph helps the doctor see if you have enough oxygen in your body when you sleep and ensure the amount of supplemental oxygen.

Fifth, the continuously monitored blood oxygen saturation level will indicate dangerous side effects in people taking drugs that affect breathing or oxygen saturation.